Monday, September 13, 2010

Draft for Querencia Essay

When you hate your life, when you are pissed off and miserable, where do you go to blow off steam or just to think and relax after an exhausting day?  For me it is my room, I slam the door and lock it tight then blast the music loud so the whole street can hear “Baby” by Justin Bieber.
            When you first enter my room you don’t see wall you see millions of celebrity posters like Justin Bieber, Taylor Lauthner, Nick Jonas and many more.  All the posters are crazy straight and perfect because I will settle for nothing less.  But in the middle there is a Nike Swoosh in sky blue and ocean blue.  The walls are also painted ocean blue and sky blue but you can’t really see it.  Then you will see this huge pile on the side with a mixture of stuff animals and clothes and everything else.  After you get past the mountain of junk you will see my bed covered with stuff animals and pillows and blankets and people always ask me, “Where do you sleep?  There is no room on your bed.”  I reply, “I have space and I move my body until I am comfortable.”  Next to my bed is my dresser with drawers sticking out and clothes everywhere, some folded in the drawers, some unfolded in the drawer, and some on the ground.  Then on the other side of my bed is my nightstand with all my chargers on it, my phone, my iPod, clock, and radio.  Next to my nightstand is my L- shaped or corner desk and rolly chair.  On my desk, the side against the wall under the big bay window, are all my papers and sometimes you don’t even see desk you just see papers and clothes draped on the side of my chair and desk.  Then on the other side of the L- shaped or corner desk are papers stacked neatly, color coded, and easy to find what I need.  That is where I do all my homework.  Then we walk over to the walk in closet.  All my clothes hung up on one side then on the other side are all my bags are hung up on the shelf.  But if you look down on to the floor of my closet you see shirts, long sleeves, jackets, backpacks and handbags.  Then look up and you see all the junk my parents store in my closet since they say, “I have the biggest room and the corner room.”  I love my room so much.
            When I am mad like when my parents get on me to fold my chores or walk the dog or before when I went to judo I hated to go or when ever they get on me about how I am playing or when my brother gets irritated and I can not stand it n longer like when he hits me or just drones on and on about nothing I stomp my way to my room slam the door and lock it.  But then my mom yells at me for locking the door and open it.  So then I blast the music and think or tear up with such misery.  Then before it is time t go to bed I my mom would come and talk to me about what was wrong and try to work everything out.  Normally I am mad with my mom but lately it has been all good.
            I spend most of my day in my room including when I sleep and that is my own property, it is mine.  I feel that I can just be myself in my room I can throw a tantrum when I want and I can fool around and joke in my room but the one thing that I can do in there that I can not do anywhere else is fart and burp whenever I want.  If I didn’t have my room I think I would die literally.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You did well on explaining the details of your room. I think the flow of the paragraphs would be better if you took out "see", & limit the times where you use "next to" or "then". There are other ways that you can replace these words & use words that would trigger the reader to keep on reading.
    -Sziezel Pascua

  3. I like the descriptive words like "blasting" and "draped" that you used in your. I agree with Sziezal though on the flow of paragraphs would be better if you took out some of the repetetive words. Overall but, it was very good.

  4. HI Mikayla,

    And, first a word to your teammates: Sziezel and Chad, your comments are accurate but they need to be much more developed. This is why I did the exercise in class where I showed you what good critique looks like. Writers put time and effort into their drafts. The same investment of time and effort is required of the critiques.

    Okay...on to the essay. You've done a good job of presented details about your room. Chad's comment about "blasting" and "draped" was a good one. As far as repetitive words, rather than just looking at the words, I recommend that you be more selective about your details, keeping the ones that best support your focus or thesis.

    This would also apply to your organization. Right now it seems mainly spatial. It may be more effective to organize around how different parts of the room comfort you during bad times.

    As far as the conventions or mechanics, delete the second person "you" and re-structure so that the essay is consistent. Shifting out of second person would also help you to shift your organization from the "room tour" format to one that will show how your room is truly your querencia.

    Let me know if you have questions.
    mrs s

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