Friday, April 13, 2012

White, Black, and Shades of Gray

When you were a child your parents always told you what was right and what was wrong, which seemed pretty simple at the time.  As we grew older and matured, our parents weren’t there for us all the time to tell us right from wrong, so we started to cross the line between good and bad quiet often, making bad decisions most of us regret.  Even when we become adults or even grandparents we will not always know what we are doing is the right thing to do.  By doing this assignment, “White, Black, and Shades of Gray”, where we made our own moral scale based on our previous experience really opened my eyes to my past experiences, life, values, and morals.

As I made my moral scale, I needed to bring up experiences in the past where I want to keep hidden in the back of my mind because I was ashamed of what I had done.  By bringing up these past actions, I felt disappointed in myself and my choices. But in doing so, I have been able to reflect on my experiences and what I have learned from each one.  By doing this I realized that I have grown from all of these good and bad decisions I made. I realized that we will continue to make decisions in the future whether we are right or wrong that will allow us to continue to mature and learn from each one making us better people.  


  1. hey mikayla,
    i absolutely love your graphic, it was put together really nicely. It is short and simple, and not cluttered so it's easy to follow along. As for your reflection, it was put together well also. You get to point on exactly how this scale helped you realize how you have grown as a person throughout the years. Although one other thing I thought you could have added to your reflection was to explain why you learned your lesson to help the reflection seem a little less vague. You get into detail on how we are expected to chose the right decision besides the bad one, but not exactly why you made a bad choice before and why you chose to do the right thing. For example instead of just saying how bringing up the past made you realized you were disappointed in your actions, you can explain it is because by doing so, I hurt my mother's feelings and made her cry for the first time that day or saying, you chose to cheat on that test because you were so tempted to want to get an A in that class to make your parent proud, but realized it was wrong because you were only cheating yourself. Other than that, great job! I thought it was funny how you mentioned you stole school supplies, because I actually have done that once myself as well. haha.

  2. Hi mikayla!
    Like Angie said, your graphic was put together well. It's simple, easy to follow, and informative. Also, you did a very good job of reflecting on both the concept of morals themselves, as well as your experience of creating the moral scale. You were able to explain what good and bad meant to you, you were able to briefly talk about that "oh-so-famous" line that separates blac from white, and good from bad. Also, I liked how you incorporated the fact that it was difficult to have to think about bad past experiences. Trust me, I think we can all relate!
