Monday, May 23, 2011

GLOs Portfolio

Hi Mom and Dad,


I have just showed you my General Learner Outcomes Portfolio or otherwise known as GLOs Portfolio demonstrating that I have met the GLOs through school activities and outside activities as well.

I have some questions for you...

  1. What do you think about my portfolio?
  2. What do you feel were the strengths of my portfolio?
  3. How could I improve my portfolio?
  4. Do you feel I have met the General Learner Outcomes? Why or why not?
  5. Which one of the General Learner Outcomes do you feel I succeeded the most in? Why?
  6. Which one of the General Learner Outcomes do you feel I should improve on?  Why?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I thought the portfolio was done with details and supports. I was surprised with the amount of work done this year. I was please with the the pictures and the variety of evidence.

    2. The strengths of this portfolio were the variety of pictures and the detailed annotations.

    3. She could improve her portfolio by making it more entertaining through music, animations, or humor.

    4. I felt that she has met the General Learner Outcomes because her grades reflected the work.

    5. The General Learner Outcome that I feel that she has most succeeded in is GLO #6 which is Effective and Ethical User of Technology because the amount that she has learned this year was tremendous.

    6. The General Learner Outcome that I feel that she should improve on is GLO #5 which is Effective Communicator because she tends to be shy, timid, and needs more confidence to confront people and speak her mind.

    ~Lori and Emet Domingo
    (Mikayla's Mom and Dad)
