Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Q3: Outside Reading Card: Only The Good Spy Young

Self Assessment: 4

I think I deserve a 4 because I believe my quote really captures what happened in the story, the characteristics of the main character Cammie Morgan who is determined and capable of doing anything. I believe that my conflict really explains the main conflict or obstacles Cammie Morgan had, in a short and explicit summary.  I believe that my resolution explains what happened in the end in a clear and concise way.  My graphic shows exceptional layering and there is white space on the card so it is not all cramped on the card.  Each picture on the card has a reason like the badge that says Gallagher Academy is on the students uniform, the plaid background is to represent that they were a prep school with uniforms, the picture of the mansion is there since the academy is a mansion and the person on the left is the main character Cammie Morgan.  My graphic is super nice and well organized.  

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