Thursday, February 2, 2012

Final Allusion Graphic

*Reflection is posted as a comment.*


  1. Reflection on Allusion Poem and Graphic

    For my mythological allusion, I chose the menehune. At first I was going to use the Greek goddess Athena since I took an online test to see which Greek god or goddess I was most like. I felt that Athena and I did not have the same characteristics so I went on searching for another character to use. Then I remembered our school mascot the menehune and looked up stories and characteristics about menehunes. Not only was the menehune small like me, they are helpful, hard working, and don’t like to stand out which is just like me. The menehune and I are alike in so many ways.

    Writing my allusion poem was very difficult for me. When I wrote my first draft, I started by painting the picture of a menehune and the characteristics that are similar between a menehune and myself. I tried to do more “show” then “tell” but still show the allusion, which was very tricky. Also on the poem I used the poetic technique of allusion to reveal characteristics about myself and dig deeper into myself. After the comments from my teammates, I tried to include more about myself and make the poem flow a lot better. In my final, you are able to see both sides of the comparison. I tried to again “show” instead of “tell.” I felt I did a good job on my poem.

    Making my allusion graphic was quite a challenge as well. At first, I wasn’t sure how I was going to represent my poem in my graphic. Then an idea hit me, I was going to show how a menehune is hard to find. So I planned to use a dark forest and make the pictures of the menehune and me as dark figures lurking in the forest using the picture effects of Photoshop. However, after the comments from my teammates I changed it so the menehune and I are blending in the background like we are invisible, using picture effects so you are able to tell it is a menehune standing and me running. Then I also needed to add more about the connection between the menehune, and myself. I wanted to show it in a creative way. I had to think a lot, at first I was going to have the similar characteristics look like wind but it didn’t really work out so instead I changed it to the words on the taro leaves growing in order to show the connection. I feel I did a good job on my allusion graphic and my graphic really compliments and supports my poem.

    I feel that these creative responses like our poem and graphic really make you dig deeper, be creative, think a lot and make connections. By doing this you are able to find things about yourself that you didn’t know before and this helps you understand and appreciate yourself a lot more. This then allows you to understand your world a lot better by just knowing yourself a lot. In my opinion, I feel we learn things about ourselves everyday and it adds to our character and what make you, you. It makes you unique. When we do these projects it really encourages us and especially me to dig deeper and learn about myself.

  2. Hi Mikayla,
    Excellent job, both on the graphic and on the reflection. The revision in the graphic was great! You were able to communicate your allusion more clearly and improve the layout and overall Photoshop techniques. The reflection did a clear and thoughtful job of documenting your creative process in the poem and graphic!
    Assessment score: ES 4
