Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reflection and Conclusion of Writing Portfolio

 This semester I have learned many things in Language Arts which helps since it is not my best subject.  I think the most important thing I learned is that when you describe things that you don’t need to use the big and fancy words but the words that best describe it (word choice).  I feel that I had good word choice in my Querencia: My Special Place Essay when I was describing my room.  Another thing I learned is that your essay or writing doesn’t need to be long in order for it to be a good essay, your writing can be short but still be really good, its just a matter of being specific, getting to the point and stay on topic (ideas).  I feel that I was specific and really explained the idea of the essay in my Final Exam Impromptu: Seasons when I was describing a rainy winter day in Hawaii.  

My greatest achievement this semester is being able to write the short impromptu essays for mid-quarter and final assessment and do it with quality work.  I normally take a long time in writing a quality essay but to be given a certain time and a subject and write an essay is hard to do for me.  So I was surprised when I got a good score for the assessments.   My biggest challenge this semester has been the group work.  I have a really hard time of trusting my teammates to do their part and I tend to do it myself.  So instead I want to be able to trust my teammates to do their part and not do the whole thing be myself.  My goal for next semester is to continue to improve on my writing and get all 4 on my writing pieces next semester. As well as extend my vocabulary to work on my word choice to better describe things.

Mom/Dad, please write a reflection of my portfolio presentation.  Please answer these questions as follows:
    • What piece of writing did you like best in my portfolio and why? 
    • What did you like about my portfolio and sharing and what would you like to see me improve on?
    • Which of the writing traits (ideas, organization, voice, word choice) do you feel was most successful for me?
    • Which of the traits of writing would you like me to improve on in the coming semester?

    1 comment:

    1. 1. My favorite piece of writing was the roots and recipes essay, Chicharon: A Filipino Delicacy because my daughter realized her roots and learned about her culture and the essay was well written.

      2. Overall we thought Mikayla’s presentation was good and we liked it. We are glad she is learning and doing lots of work. The presentation was well organized. However she needs to check spelling. We are glad she realizes her weaknesses and she is trying to improve herself by trying to improve on her weaknesses. She needs to minimize her hand movements while presenting.

      3. The most successful trait for my daughter was voice.

      4. The trait that I would like my daughter to improve on next semester is word choice.

      ~Lori Domingo and Emet Domingo
      (Mikayla's Mom and Dad)
