Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blog Revisions and Archiving

My knowledge has changed and grown since the beginning of freshmen year, now my blog has changed with me from freshmen year to now.  I have revised my title to a catchy new title having to do with writing (before my title was A Million Ways To Say The Same Thing and now my title is Express Yourself With Words).  I changed my title to Express Yourself With Words because that is what writing is it is expressing your feelings and experiences through words on paper.  My blog now has a header (picture) with my picture, title, and images to express my title.  The header shoes my advanced skill in graphic design by showing I can use the various tools in photo shop such as layering, filtering pictures, manipulating photos, using the clone tool to put the picture of myself in the corner and having it organized so it doesn’t look all bunched up.  My header shows my title (Express Yourself Through Words) by each letter having their own different personality or appearance and expressing it and embracing each letter’s personality.  Then on my header I have a pencil and paper on the background to symbolize writing and words.  I organized my blog archive through labeling all of my posts and selecting the specific assignments under each year.  I made a new section in my blog called Sophomore Year '11 to '12, as well as have last year’s section labeled Freshman Year '10 to '11.  Then underneath the two sections I have a label for all of that year’s posts and then all of the assignments from that year.  As I continue to change and my knowledge grows so will my blog along with me so next time it may look different because that is what revisions are all about making things better or improving it. 


  1. Hey Mikayla,

    nice job on your blog revision. If i may, i suggest that the picture of you could be cropped and cleaned a little better.

    I think you did a good job in forming your title though. It looks like you took time and effort looking for different and individual letters.

    You show very good skill in photoshop too. It seems that you used different tools that I have no idea on how to use.

    Anyway nice job.

  2. Hey Mikayla,
    I got to agree with bryson,you could have cropped your picture better but it still is nice. I really like how you have so much color in your title to represent what your title "Express yourself" means. I also like how organized your blogs from freshman year and sophmore! But yeah excellent job on making your blog look amazing.

  3. I really like your blog revisions, first off your archive really helped and it does organize your blog. I think the picture you made for your blog matched the title "Express Yourself Through Words." I like how the letters in "Express Yourself" was in different pictures which resembles expressing in different ways. The pencil and papers and the main background image of your blog resembled how its in words. It was very creative but the only thing I suggest is to crop your picture a little better.
