Monday, May 21, 2012

GLOs Portfolio

Hi Mom and Dad,

Here is my GLO Portfolio...

Now that I have just showed you my General Learner Outcomes Portfolio or otherwise known as GLOs Portfolio demonstrating that I have met the GLOs through school activities and outside activities as well.

I have one question for you.
What did you learn about my achievements and experiences in MeneMAC this year?

1 comment:

  1. After this year in MeneMAC and seeing all of her accomplishments and experiences, I learned that she has grown. Team work is a lot easier for her, where she is able to manage a team better and not get frustrated. She has become a much better communicator which I what we like to see her grow in. She has acquired exceptional skills in using technology to do her school work. I am proud of her accomplishments. I am glad that she is using our genes to its potential.

    -Emet and Lori Domingo
    (Mikayla's Dad and Mom)
