Thursday, May 10, 2012

Project Icarus Journal #4: Process Paper: How you shaped and produced the “impact activity?”

For my “impact activity,” I am making a cookbook of all the Filipino desserts I learned how to make.  During the time when I learn how to make the desserts with my aunty, I would write down the recipes to remember to put in the cookbook.  The Filipino desserts that I will include are banana lumpia, banana fritter, halo halo, suman, bibingka, cascaron, and puto.  Using my Photoshop skills, I intend to make a soft cover cookbook including the recipes and pictures of the finished desserts.  A lot of time was put into it to make it attractive and to pass on from generation to generation.  It was not that difficult to make and it was actually fun to make.
            The process of shaping the “impact activity” was not that difficult.  I first wanted to make a video of me baking the desserts but I felt it would just be watched and then I can’t pass it on to my children and connect them to their culture and roots.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mikayla!
    I want to order a copy of this cookbook!!! Sounds like it's going to be great!
    Seriously, though, I think it might make a great book of family "edible history"...something the rest of your family will treasure as well :)
    mrs s
